Saturday, December 29, 2012

How I solved my dogs digestion problems

I have a bulldog or pitbull (never really could figure it out - what do you think?). He has been a wonderful dog but he has a speed eating problem that can result in bloating and what appears to be discomfort. He loves eating and he could probably set records for speed eating if there was a doggy competition for this. I had heard about this Interactive Dog Bowl from Northmate and I quickly ordered it because I thought at the very least it would be fun to put treats in. Turns out this thing made my dog feel much better! It used to take him about 30-45 seconds, but with this cool bowl, it took over 10 minutes! This bowl reminds me of the Kong Dog Toys that allow your dog to solve a puzzle to get a treat (getting the treat out of the kong!).


 This bowl was a bit bigger than I was expecting, so if you have limited space you might want to have a backup. We have been using this for a week now and I highly recommend it for your speed eating pups.

I have had lots of fun with this bowl and it has solved the digestion and vomiting problems my speed eating dog used to have.  Cool product!


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